Saying Goodbye to Washington
Olypmic Peninsula Trip. For Twilight fans this is 2nd beach in La Push.
Tom got a fishing trip in before we left. This made some good fish and chips.
Tom got a fishing trip in before we left. This made some good fish and chips.
Beach party with our beloved neighbors. Emma and her BFF.
The Move and Summer Fun
We truly miss Washington and all the great friends and experiences we had there. We all grew in so many ways and will miss so many people.
The Move and Summer Fun
Stopping in Bryce Canyon on the drive down.
Playing with cousins in Boise.
The hot tub at Meme and Pepe's (Grandma and Grandpa Kartchner).
Stopping in Beaver without a flat tire or anything.
Our annual GTMH, we hiked up to Stewart Falls in Provo Canyon. So fun to see cousins, aunts and uncles, and sweet Grandma Kartchner at the Kartchner Reunion.
San Diego
Legoland for Mattie's birthday.
San Diego Zoo
Sea World
Ride at Seaworld. And we went to the beach quite a bit, but I can't find any pictures. We love all San Diego has to offer. We have made some great friends already and are amazed everytime we move at the many people who help us and make our moves so much more smooth. It has been an adjustment getting used to Tom's longer hours, but he is enjoying learning and feels priveleged to be in the Navy's Dermatology residency. We should be here three years and are looking forward to the adventure!