Japan Here We Come!

Japan Here We Come!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Mark (my brother) and Marianne and kids came and visited San Diego and then went up to Disneyland, where we met up with Kelli (my sister). We had a super fun time and can't wait to be with them again in the summer. Thank you so much for coming and entertaining us for a week.
Mark and family with my kids

We went to La Jolla Beach and even though it was cold and overcast Holland and Mattie still got in the water....clothed.

Sam and Caleb at the beach.
In Old Town, San Diego.

At the zoo.

Kelli's girls had the best reactions to meeting the Disney characters. There were fascinated. So fun to meet the princesses with them.
Taylor and Hazel mapping out where we will go. This was a common scene in both Disneyland and the zoo.
 Teacups: Holland, Cate, Emma and Mattie
Caleb and Sam, always together.
Getting sprayed on Grand Rapids in California Adventure Park.