Japan Here We Come!

Japan Here We Come!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Catching Up

Saying Goodbye to Washington

Olypmic Peninsula Trip. For Twilight fans this is 2nd beach in La Push.
Tom got a fishing trip in before we left. This made some good fish and chips.

Beach party with our beloved neighbors. Emma and her BFF.

We truly miss Washington and all the great friends and experiences we had there. We all grew in so many ways and will miss so many people.

The Move and Summer Fun
Stopping in Bryce Canyon on the drive down.

Playing with cousins in Boise.

The hot tub at Meme and Pepe's (Grandma and Grandpa Kartchner).

Stopping in Beaver without a flat tire or anything.

Our annual GTMH, we hiked up to Stewart Falls in Provo Canyon. So fun to see cousins, aunts and uncles, and sweet Grandma Kartchner at the Kartchner Reunion.
San Diego
Legoland for Mattie's birthday.

San Diego Zoo

Sea World

Ride at Seaworld. And we went to the beach quite a bit, but I can't find any pictures. We love all San Diego has to offer. We have made some great friends already and are amazed everytime we move at the many people who help us and make our moves so much more smooth. It has been an adjustment getting used to Tom's longer hours, but he is enjoying learning and feels priveleged to be in the Navy's Dermatology residency. We should be here three years and are looking forward to the adventure!

New Family Pictures

Friday, April 16, 2010

Trying to smile.

This was one of those videos that you just want to share with someone and no one is around, so you post it.



I just wrote a long post and realized I posted it on Tom's family's blog. So instead of redoing it all: to see what we have been up to for the last four months go here.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Mattie's interpretation of her Dad's talk in church

So last Sunday, Tom spoke in church, it was very good and quite child friendly. I know a lot of kids liked it because thier parents came up to me afterwards and told me how well their kids listened. I knew my kids liked it because later that day I came across something Mattie wrote:

I'm sad it's hard to see, b/c it really is priceless. With proper spelling and puncutation the top part says:
"I have a talk about, wait! I need to get the kids attention. Hey kids, oh kids,
here's some candy. I'll try this: Spongebob Squarepants."

Tom did say spongebob squarepants in his sacrament talk and he had every kids attention for a good 5 min. It was pretty impressive. Already I've heard of at least two instances where spongebob squarepants was said to get everyone's attention. It's a little unconventional, but it worked. I'm glad Mattie was listening.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Wind in Anacortes

Yes, it completely picked up the trampoline and turned it over.


It's been way too long, sorry! Christmas this year was at The Kartchners in Idaho where all siblings (except Ethan) were present. It was quite a party, even thought I have no pictures of it.

Here is Emma with her new bike.

And Hazel with her new stroller and doll, little kids are so easy.

Then we spent New Years in Utah where we went sledding and...

ate ice cream after watching Avatar.
Mattie with her Aunt Miriam and Aunt Laura.

We also went to Temple Square where we saw the lights and Hilary play with her bluegrass band for the last time.All of the Barlow grandchildren so far.